Services I Offer











Call me to set up your session/class at (443) 203-0129 or

Contact me by email at


Dr. Gwen wishes all who visit or have scheduled events with her to understand that she is a spiritual clairvoyant, in truth a "mirror" for others.  She does not propose to make personal decisions for her clients, judge them nor does she interfere with their free will.  There is no educational degree on Earth that can validate the Spirit of God within each of us. Wisdom is recognized by its deeds and through the hearts' of humanity.  Please be advised that personal free will can alter, slow down, speed up or stop events from occurring.  As you decide your own fate, God will re-design your Life Path, continually.  Have faith always in your own personal power before The Divine and trust that you will attract what you need in your life at the appropriate time.


  • Channeled Reading

    Dr. Gwen is a Trance-Channeler or Clairvoyant so, to prepare for your inperson or phone session with her, write down some questions or areas you wish to address and bring them with you. You will find that Dr. Gwen goes into a psychic trance to address your issues. Names of people, places and animals are important when contacting the "spirit" of the answer you are seeking.

  • Tarot Reading

    Dr. Gwen uses several decks of tarot cards in her practice but, most often, chooses "The Tick of Time" spread in order to give you a comprehensive reading that addresses your Past, Present and Future life. She only utilizes this spread for 1/2 hour and hourly readings. For a 15-minute session, she addresses your questions with a 7-card spread.

  • Hypnotherapy

    Dr. Gwen is a certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Master's Level and, it is her privilege to assist you through hypnosis to address such complaints as Weight Reduction, Smoking & Alcohol or Drug Cessation, Anxiety Disorders or any other form of addictive thinking or action you might want to act upon in your life. Conversely, she also assists clients to expand their consciousness in order to achieve a higher comprehension in astral matters as well as open up minds to new possibilities. All sessions are 40 minutes to 75 minutes depending on mission. Please do not eat directly before your appointment or drink alcohol/coffee within 4 hours as this could dramatically change your experience.

  • Past Life Reading


    This form of regression is often sought after when a client is seeking an answer to a fear or anxiety that seems to have no cause in this lifetime. These regressions are usually no less than two hour sessions and are taped. I recommend this form of treatment as well for recurring bouts of depression, fear that paralyzes normal life or just to enjoy a look at a past life experience. These sessions go very slowly but, can accomplish a great deal. Please do not eat directly before your appointment or drink alcohol or coffee within 4 hours as this could dramatically change your experience.


    With your own teacup (clear of lines or designs in the interior, please) and tea provided by Dr. Gwen, your future will be decifered. This fascinating form of mediumship will delight you as you begin to see shapes, symbols and signs within your cup that you might never have noticed before.

  • Palm Reading

    Dr. Gwen teaches the Science of Palmistry and loves to read any palm she can get a hold of! When you have your palm read, you will learn the significance of the shape of your palm, fingers, nails and, all lines of power will be explained as well.

  • Huna balancing

    The Huna of the Hawaiian Islands were renowned for the practice of balancing chakras (chasing out demons) as well as allowing their patients to experience mystical journeys designed to help them clarify their lives in order to find a lasting balance. Dr. Gwen has been a student of the Kahuna method of self-healing for over 30 years. Come prepared to experience chakra balancing, a special bathing experience with natural herbs over your arms, feet, hands and face as well as receive messages about your body, mind and soul. Dr. Gwen is an accomplished Reiki Master (Master's Level) and she combines many talents in order to assist you in achieving a more moderate, healthy balance within all your sacred selves. Gifts of spirit are given and spirit names or totems are often assigned at such healing sessions.

  • Reading Parties

    Dr. Gwen has been on the road in Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York and the South in North Carolina doing Psychic Parties for over 30 years now. With a minimum of 9 clients , parties can be arranged, usually a month in advance. Parties may be centered around any event. There is a fee advantage to receiving an intuitive, palm, tarot or tea-leaves session in a group setting. You can even arrange a group from a long distance and set up a block of phone readings for a reduced price!

    Group parties must be guaranteed by the hostess in charge by asking for a non-refundable deposit before the party which goes towards the cost of each persons’ reading on the day of the party. We recommend a $25 deposit.

  • Ascension Classes

    Dr. MacGregor’s Ascension Classes are held at Unity-by-Bay in Annapolis, MD, every second Thursday evening from 6:30-8:30 pm

    Please contact and look at Special Events and Classes for the next ascension class!